Partnering for Success!
We appreciate the unwavering support of our sponsors. Your contributions allow us to create a positive and competitive environment for our athletes.
Weston FC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization run by a volunteer Board of Directors. All proceeds from sponsors are used to enhance the experience for our players and families. Sponsorship revenue is used to provide financial support for players that would not otherwise be able to participate in competitive soccer, support coaching education, and the purchase of equipment and supplies that improve our training environment.
As one of the top youth academies in the country with over 1,000 players playing all around the US and abroad sponsors have great visibility through our brand. The Weston Cup and Showcase, now in its 25th year, is held every President’s Day Weekend and is the largest tournament in the United States with over 1,100 teams coming from all over the US and around the world.
The Club has a high profile social media presence with over 20,000 Instagram followers. Follow us at… We are also active on Facebook.
The Club welcomes sponsors of all sizes and amounts and has a variety of sponsorship packages that meets your needs. Sponsors can select from a package that includes presence on apparel, banners at our three parks, email blasts to our membership, website promotion, social media promotion, tents at parks during the season, and a variety of ways to participate in Weston Cup.
For specific sponsorship information please contact Daniel Serravite at Sponsors@weston.org.