Christine Thomas
Executive Administrator
Christine has been with Weston FC for over 15 years and has performed numerous roles. It’s her extensive hands-on experience that makes Christine a valuable asset to the organization.
As Executive Administrator, Christine’s current responsibilities include:
All Club Communications
Website Administration
Social Media Administration
U.S. Club Registrar
Adidas liaison
Field Scheduler and Referee Assignor liaison
Weston Cup support and Site Director
Uniform coordinator for players and coaches
Christine may be reached at Christine.Thomas@westonfc.org
Engrid Spence
Club Registrar
Engrid Spence holds an MBA in International Business from St. Thomas University. She is fluent in 3 languages: English, Spanish and Dutch and has a reading understanding of French. She was employed for 10 years at Elizabeth Arden as an International Marketing Director responsible for the sales and marketing efforts worldwide. She currently is the Director of Sales Administration responsible for the entire sales operation for Felinicity, Inc. (dba Cats Rule). Engrid has been involved for over 10 years in youth soccer in a wide variety of roles, as a staff member and as a volunteer with many organizations, including Florida Youth Soccer Organization (FYSA). She is currently the Administrator and Registrar for Weston FC.
Engrid may be reached at Engrid.Spence@westonfc.org